Smart System for Leather Industry

Since 1964 the leather industry started its contribution for the national economy which transformed its identity in 1971 as Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) and chronologically created its significance as the second largest export sector after RMG in Bangladesh.

With a focus to meet $10 Bn export this industry continuously increased its contribution till $1.23 Bn the highest amount so far in the fiscal year 2016-17. Having more than 2500 footwear units and 90 largest farm the oldest industry creating significant opportunities in employment. Comparing the automation in other industries this sector yet not stepped enough for automation due to proper systems and skilled resource for automation. But in metaverse, industry sustainability, profitability depends upon automation and conversion from conventional to smarter operational process. Pakiza Software Ltd. Opted for contributing in leather industry by serving as automation partner by introducing Cripton Leather ERP for automation of leather industries.