Since the metaverse appealed, expertise for the confronts with enthusiastic and responsive to diligence leanings, and so Pakiza Software Limited specifies an excellent framework where the revolutionary innovation flourishes. Supporting the conception of ideals, benchmarks plus the defiance implements for testing and interoperability. Out globally renowned touchstones remain obtainable to all in reassuring governing necessities and policies.

Barely A decade ago, in 2013, more than three decades after establishing Pakiza Group in 1982, A visionary leader and the honorable Chairman of Pakiza Group Mr. Rafiqul Islam Khan involved one of the most expectant successors and the variation architect Mr. Rakibul Islam Khan in the textile & RMG business. Mr. Rakibul Islam Khan, a textile engineer, realizes the necessity of business diversification and transformation by automation within a very short time and emphasizes his focus on automation.

Perfection in business operation and meeting the shipment time was one of the focused agendas of Mr. Rakibul Islam Khan. In 2014, he opted to innovate such an application by blend of integration, intelligence, IOT, machine learning, pragmatic and user friendly with responsive in nature and technologically upgraded to face the existing and upcoming metaverse for the textile & RMG manufacturing business to automate, optimize processes and make accountable all operations regarding PO tracking, Shipment time maintaining, production bulletin, attendance & salary processing. Mr. Rakibul Islam Khan engaged an immaculate team of 4 highly skilled full-stack developers with textile and RMG business knowledge and experience in developing Textile and RMG ERP for the business automation of Pakiza Group.

Accuracy of data related to production time, finance, assets, and value in between practical scenarios and in books become a most crucial factor for formulating seamless decisions in business and so Mr. Rakib Khan dived in too deep to explore the all real phenomena that were the barrier in respect to accuracy of data. He stepped into a new method to implement module-wise and then department-wise and last all concerns of Pakiza Group. He started to avail benefits from mid of 2015 and opted to implement for a full group to uplift the combined benefits with a greater vision to change the way of work in the system than the traditional process.

Knowledge sharing among the industry concerns and contributing to uplifting the standard of work procedure in an efficient manner is a significant factor for expanding business growth and sustainable profit of any business. Hence, we discuss about the largest industry sector of Bangladesh – the textile and RMG sectors still suffering from the skilled and efficient resources and so unfortunately this industry still has a dependency on foreign experts. To reconcile this gap Mr. Rakibul Islam Khan, practiced sharing his knowledge and experience among the industry concerns, and in 2016 he set up a data center and later in 2017 he introduced Pakiza Technovation Ltd. With two separate divisions of software and hardware. Having a successful journey in the technology sector, especially with hardware, in 2018 he emphasized software development with the concept of meeting the 4th Industrial Revolution and enlarged the team volume to 25 experienced persons, and continued the growth for the forwarding time.

Intelligence and human efforts combination is the most significant part of the transformation, existence, and success of the upcoming challenges thrown by the 4th Industrial Revolution. To chase against those challenges and uphold sustainable growth Mr. Rakibul Islam Khan, inaugurated a dynamic and smart ERP system named “Cripton Pro ERP”. The system was designed and developed with the pragmatic experience of spinning, knit and woven textile and garment industry operations. With the harmony of time, that system includes many ideas, thoughts, process, and algorithms that really reflects the demands of the textile and RMG industries. Apart from textile and RMG ERP, he encouraged that team to develop VAT Management, HRIS, Financial Accounting Management, Trading and Other Manufacturing Industries ERP, CRM, Asset Management, Education Management Systems and Mobile Applications.

Zephyr, which indicates a soft bridge- between technology, business process, and human efforts only can establish a dynamic, user-friendly, pragmatically applicable system that will lead a business not only in assist mode rather than being a partner for perfect decision based on perfect work procedure, accurate data, business knowledge and intelligence. To serve excellence of innovation in industry by creating an intelligent system for business automation Mr.Rakibul Islam Khan stepped for another revolutionary decision depending on the future contexts. He realized the industry would eventually transform its dependency on soft technology to hardware so he initiated to introduction of the earlier established software division as a separate legal entity.

Analytics from the global business and economic trend Mr.Rakibul Islam Khan realized the upcoming overwhelming necessity of business automation for the sustainable growth and even existence of textile and RMG industries by encountering the competitive market trend, buyers demand, reducing process loss, proper utilization of human resources, reducing the wastage and increase the efficiency and last but not the list that meets the shipment schedule as of the plan and within the time frame. Implication of modern technology is the revolution maker across the global economy and so in such harmony of demand, we aspire to chase the technological ERA with our best efforts.

PAKIZA Software Ltd., from its initiation, focused on a disciplined and structured form of company which will lead to keeping the reputation towards upcurve. With the vision to create a sustainable, profitable textile and RMG industry. Pakiza Software Ltd. provides their main focus on technological upgradation, flexible customizable options within a very short time, experienced professionals in the implementation team for implementation and post-implementation support consisting of 20 experts., the development team of 25 immaculate, experienced, and dynamic coders, 10 experts in system and business process for customer care, 08 highly experienced, skilled and self-motivated personnel for business development. 03 specified domain professionals for R&D, 03 experts for quality assurance of the product, 06 HR professionals having knowledge of the proper practice of HR & Payroll from manpower budget to final settlement. In the initiation in the market, combining a striving team of 75 professionals, Pakiza Software Ltd. established a new landmark and distinction from other companies only to avoid strategic partners' dissatisfaction with service and support, the most common and disturbing issue in the industry nowadays.


A creative team with a visionary leader, the mission of Pakiza Software to familiarize the revolutionary ERP system ‘Cripton Pro’ with the industry and ensure the return on investment and return on the intention by stipulating a orthodox level of satisfactory support and service. However Pakiza Software Ltd. believes in premeditated association with the patrons and so the errand of Pakiza Software to ensure the global standard of product in reasonable norms of value and amenities.  


“Excellence – Intelligence – Automation”

Pakiza Software Ltd. with the utmost and stimulating vision to transform the textile & RMG, the largest contributing sectors of the national economy, and other industries into a “Bionic” industry rather than a traditional industry as of the demand of the metaverse. Through leveraging athwart the industry Pakiza Software Ltd. approached Cripton Pro ERP with innovative landscapes to alteration the trend of outdated data-keeping systems and automate the process and business with the blend of artificial intelligence and business intelligence in the best user-friendly manner. 


Pakiza Software Ltd. management focused on the bionic concept that mostly engrossed the changes of the way to work in a smart and quick responsive manner than the existing practice. The textile, RMG, and other industries since its initiation in the 19th century in Bangladesh are still not able to set up the global smart practice due to several reasons. But the dynamic way to work and resource with the updated tech-based tools is the only way to face the challenges of the upcoming days and create a sustainable industry. With the practical experience of 41 years in the Textile & RMG business, Pakiza Group approached with the most judicious techno tools called Cripton Pro ERP developed by Pakiza Software Ltd. for initiating the revolutionary step to transform the textile & RMG, other industries into a Bionic Industry with the slogan of “Excellence – Intelligence – Automation”.

Our Root

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Lawnun Enterprise

Garden Textiles Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.

Pakiza Garments Limited.

Pakiza Textiles Ltd.

Pakiza Woven Fashion Ltd.

Pakiza Software Limited

Pakiza Technovation Limited.

Pakiza Apparels Ltd.